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How a 57-Year-Old Grandma Eased Arthritis Pain & Lost 6kg WITHOUT Drugs Or Surgery...

Writer's picture: Jean C.Jean C.

...Within 27 Days of Drinking This Spicy Juice

Hi, my name is Jean.

I’m writing this just after spending a day bringing my two grandsons out to eat their favourite Japanese food, then visiting the dinosaur park.

I consider myself to be extraordinarily blessed that I am healthy and energetic enough to be able to take them out for special trips.

But it wasn’t always like this.

Two years ago, I went from being super active (hiking, walking to the wet market myself, going out for lunch with friends, always taking the stairs instead of the lift)…

To suddenly having immense pain in my hands and knees around my 55th birthday.

Sharp pains shot up my leg whenever I tried to get up from the sofa…

My hands were stiff, unable to bend or pick up shopping bags…

I was in constant pain, from my head to my toes, and felt like an eighty year old in a 50 year old body.

So my son-in-law helped me arrange a consultation with an orthopedist – one of the best in Singapore.

After a few blood tests and x-rays…

He concluded I had mild osteoarthritis.

My heart sank.

That’s what my mother had too – and I vividly remember how she struggled with pain for the rest of her life.

The orthopedist gave me an NSAID, told me to keep moving as much as I can, and gently reminded me that the disease is incurable.

He even hinted at knee replacement surgery down the line…

I was devastated.

I simply couldn’t understand it – I was healthy. I avoided rice, stayed away from junk food, and exercised every morning regularly just as what HPB recommended…

So why was I being punished?

Even medication didn’t seem enough because the pain always came back.

It became hard for me to stay active, so weight started to pile on too..

My slim silhouette produced an embarrassing spare tire that peeked out from under my blouse.

I found myself anxious about what lay ahead in my future…

  • Being a burden to my children…

  • Needing a wheelchair to move around…

  • Being seen as old…

  • Hiding at home alone staring at the four walls…

  • Growing apart from my grandkids as I can’t keep up with them…

At Only 55, I Felt My Life Was Over…

Until I finally discovered the real reason behind female osteoarthritis, which finally led me down the path to total freedom from pain, and regaining my mobility and flexibility.

See, some doctors will tell you it’s “normal” for your joints to hurt as you age.

Debilitating aches and pains…

Joints degrading faster than a rusty pipe…

Inability to do simple stuff like bend down and tie your shoelaces…

Does that sound normal?

I’d bet inside your heart you’re yelling NO!

It’s not normal.

I also have friends who tell me, “Jean, knee surgery is so common now… so don’t worry.”

They treat it like going to the dentist.

But did you know getting knee surgery should only be a last resort?

#1. Because knee replacement surgery is like an amputation.

Your joints are removed, and replaced with a prosthesis.

But be warned, that little piece of metal or plastic will NOT last forever.

Typically, you can use it for around 10-20 years until it’s worn out and must be replaced. So the younger you do it, the more rapidly it becomes worn out.

So getting the surgery at a young age isn’t always the best answer.

#2. 44% of Patients Still Report Pain After Surgery

In fact, 15% actually experience severe pain.

Some also develop complications like deep vein thrombosis, allergies, infections, nerve damage and so on

So even after this big surgery, it’s not highly likely to improve quality of life.

I’m not saying knee surgery is all bad…

But for me, I felt I was still too young for it – there must be a better choice out there for me.

So I started to read.

Books, medical journals, research papers, articles written by natural doctors…

I even emailed some doctors that specialised in women’s health…

And everything I read seemed to point to ONE thing…

Strip away all the medical jargon & complicated terms, and you'll find everything points to inflammation.

It turns out women are 200% more likely to develop arthritis than men, because our inflammation levels skyrocket due to hormone changes in our 50s and 60s.

When our oestrogen levels fall, inflammation goes up.

This causes sudden inflammation in our joints, leading to pain, swelling and stiffness…

Inflammation also causes increased weight gain, adding pressure to our joints.

Medication for osteoarthritis work by “blocking” inflammation. But they often have side effects like the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke…

So I researched natural superfoods that can lower inflammation…

That’s when I stumbled onto Nature’s “NSAID”...


Originating from a spice that is popular in Ayurvedic medicine…

Curcumin, according to research, demonstrates similar efficacy to NSAIDs while avoiding their usual side effects.

That’s because it has extremely strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.



A published research study compared the effectiveness of Curcumin to an anti-inflammatory drug called diclofenac, in people with knee osteoarthritis.

In this study, scientists found that people who ate curcumin experienced significant pain relief and even lost weight after 28 days – similar to those given diclofenac.

Their conclusion?

Curcumin is the perfect alternative treatment for those suffering from joint pains, but don’t want the side effects of NSAIDs.


The Supplement That Saved My Life

In my search for the best Curcumin supplement, I’ve researched products in various forms: softgels, capsules, drinks, etc.

I finally settled on The Purest Co's Ginseng Turmeric Superjuice, for quality, clinically-tested ingredients, and its superior bio-absorbable liquid form.

The issue with normal Curcumin is that it’s not well absorbed by the body – so when you take generic Curcumin, it’s akin to paying for expensive pee!

So I was pleased to see Ginseng Turmeric Superjuice uses one of the best turmeric extracts on the market:

Turmeric Curcugen.

This is 39-times more bioavailability – meaning your body absorbs 39X more Curcumin than other brands, for maximum pain relief.

Moreover, it features Piperine, which enhances Curcumin efficacy by up to 2000% too!


‘New Knees’ and 12 Kg Lighter…

I gave Ginseng Turmeric Superjuice 30 days to work – after all, that was their money back promise. They would refund me 100% if I wasn’t satisfied.

So what happened?

I felt the effects right away, and it totally caught me off guard. At first, I thought it might be some kind of "placebo effect" so I decided to wait and see.

But guess what? It kept on working.

As the days turned into weeks, I began to notice even more improvements.

I could open bottle caps and get out of bed without wincing…

I could bend my knees without the stiffness...

My energy started to pick up and I started walking around the neighbourhood every morning…

It was as if Curcumin was a secret weapon against painful joints.

Then, something else incredible happened…

My jeans started to fit differently!

I had accidentally picked up a pair that I’d kept away for being too tight…

But it zipped up with no effort!

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to step on the scale, and that’s when it hit me – I’d lost 6kg.

I know everyone is different and one size does not fit all…

But if you can relate at all to this, give Curcumin a shot.

I'll never go without this product again - not as long as it works.


The Bottom Line

My research shows Curcumin is a good alternative to NSAIDs to help alleviate arthritis pain and has no adverse side effects. There are several studies backing up its anti-inflammatory relief and it may even be more effective than some anti-inflammatory drugs. I’ve found that The Purest Co’s Ginseng Turmeric Superjuice is the best Curcumin supplement in the market at this time.

It contains Turmeric Curcugen, which is 39X more bioavailable and effectively absorbed by the body than the industry’s average Curcumin. Its excellent list of ingredients also includes Piperine that also maximises bioavailability and increases the effectiveness of active components up to 20x.

Their 30 day refund policy is also quite attractive, as it means you can try it with peace of mind.

That being said, if you still have any concerns, do consult your doctor if this is the right way to manage your arthritis!

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